Spesifikasi :
Prointer Epson L3251 Print Scan Copy + Wifi Sudah termasuk 4 Botol Tinta Warna didalam Kardus ( CMYK) Printing Speed ISO/IEC 24734 10 pages/min Monochrome, 5 pages/min Colour Printing Speed 33 pages/min Monochrome (plain paper 75 g/m'), 15 pages/min Colour (plain paper 75 g/m'), Single-sided scan speed (A4 black) 200 DPI; , 11 sec. with flatbed scan Single-sided scan speed (A4 colour) 200 DPI; , 28 sec. with flatbed scan Scanning Resolution 1,200 DPI x 2,400 DPI (Horizontal x Vertical) Output
Spesifikasi :
Tipe Printer: Ink Tank Printer
Fungsi: Print
Ukuran Kertas Maksimum: A3+
Resolusi Cetak Maksimum: 5760 x 1440 dpi
Kecepatan Cetak: Hitam: hingga 22 ppm (draft) Warna: hingga 22 ppm (draft)
Kapasitas Input Kertas: Hingga 100 lembar
Kapasitas Output Kertas: Hingga 30 lembar
Jenis Tinta: Dye Ink
Warna Tinta: Hitam, Cyan, Magenta, Kuning, Light Cyan, Light Magenta
Konektivitas: USB 2.0, Wi-Fi, Wi-Fi Direct
Spesifikasi :
Tipe Printer:
Metode Umpan Kertas:
Rear Feed
Jumlah Baki Kertas:
Kapasitas Pemuatan Paper :
Input Capacity
100 sheets of A4 Plain Paper (80 g/m2)
20 sheets of Premium Glossy Photo Paper
Output Capacity
100 sheets of A4 Plain Paper (80 g/m2)
30 sheets of Premium Glossy Photo Paper
Mendukung Ukuran Kertas:
A3+, A3, A4, A5, A6, B4, B5, B6, Letter, Legal, Indian-Legal, 100 x 148 mm, 3.5 x 5", 4 x 6", 5 x 7", 5 x 8", 8 x 10", 8.5 x 13", 16:9 wide, 8K, 16K, Envelopes: #10, DL, C4, C6
Ukuran Kertas Maksimum:
329 x 1200 mm
Mendukung Berat Kertas:
Plain Paper : 64-90 g/m2
Photo Paper : 102 - 300 g/m2
Margin Cetak:
0 mm top, left, right, bottom via custom settings in printer driver*3
Pencetakan PC / Foto Terbaik Kertas Foto Glossy Premium:
Sound Power (Black / Colour) 5.6 / 5.6 B(A)
Sound Pressure (Black / Colour) 43 / 43 dB(A)
Pencetakan PC / Default Kertas Polos*2:
Sound Power (Black / Colour) 6.3 / 6.8 B(A)
Sound Pressure (Black / Colour) 50 / 55 dB(A)
Dimensi Keseluruhan (L x D x T):
498mm x 358mm x 165mm